Equality Myanmar’s 23rd Anniversary

Equality Myanmar, formerly known as Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB), has been working on a wide range of Human Rights Education and Awareness, National and International Human Rights Advocacy Programs. We proudly recognized that we have reached the 23rd year on July 17, 2023. We would like to express our honor and gratitude to Mr. U Aung Myo Min, who led and established our organization and stood strong for Human Rights, Justice and Peace for Myanmar.

Since its inception in 2000, Equality Myanmar has been promoting democratic standards, building a peaceful, tolerant, equality, and justice society that is embedded with respect to the dignity and human rights of all languages, religions, and ethnic groups in Myanmar. Furthermore, at the present time, throughout the spring revolution against dictatorship, we have been providing human rights awareness, documenting human rights violations, advocacy and support basic needs of the affected communities.

Equality Myanmar also stands for the Myanmar Spring Revolution and its Social and Human Rights Movement in Myanmar for the accountability mechanism against brutal actions, crimes against humanity, human rights violations, and horrific killings of the Myanmar military junta and its allies. In this situation, EQMM has been documented human rights violations of Myanmar military junta and its allies in Myanmar for the accountability and justice for Myanmar people.

Today, to commemorate the 23rd Anniversary of “Equality Myanmar,” the Equality Myanmar’s staff members donated 2,300,000 Ks (Two million, Three Hundred Thousand Myanmar Kyats for the fund of health care and medical supplies to the affected family members who live in Khin Oo Township and the Revolutionary Forces in Magway township, Sagaing Region. 

We address that the restoration of the Federal Democratic System is essential and should be implemented as soon as possible. In this way, the people of Myanmar, both national and international, can enjoy freedom, peace, justice, and equality. Equality Myanmar prays for the people who have given their lives, times, and skills during the Myanmar Spring Revolution, and we also express our gratitude and honor to them.