Equality Myanmar designs and implements educational initiatives that encourage the people of Burma to identify, analyze, and solve human rights problems. Equality Myanmar also produces a wide range of human rights education resources in Burmese and other languages of Burma. Equality Myanmar core initiatives currently include:
Training of Trainers (ToT)
The ToT is Equality Myanmar flagship educational initiative. It aims to prepare young community leaders from Burma to become human rights educators. The course provides a strong foundation in international human rights law, facilitation, and community organizing. Graduates are eligible to join Equality Myanmar training team and help facilitate activities to raise awareness about human rights throughout Burma. Over 250 people have attended the ToT since Equality Myanmar founding in 2000.
Intensive Human Rights Course
This two-month course combines the spirit of activism with the excitement of experiential learning to create a new synergy in applied human rights education. Participants examine grassroots activism with a focus on key human rights themes. They learn how to network with other activists to ensure marginalized communities have a role in decision making. They also study their own legal system and mechanisms to demand justice. The course targets youth from Burma between the ages of 18 and 25.
Young Advocates Program
The Young Advocates Program is a peer-to-peer initiative for migrant youth. It is designed to raise awareness of child rights and child protection. Participants learn about basic human rights and advocacy. Activities incorporate both formal and non-formal approaches including drama, lectures, and discussions. Participants go on to lead events on Universal Children’s Day, Red Hand Day to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, and International Day Against Child Trafficking. This initiative helps increase local youth groups’ awareness of child rights as well as their ability to promote child rights themselves in the future.
Human Rights Based Approach To Development Seminar
This seminar is conducted with development practitioners from Burma. Participants learn how to promote community participation, demand accountability, ensure non-discrimination, foster empowerment, and link projects to human rights. They also have an opportunity to share creative strategies that increases the political space to deliver services in an effective manner.