EQMM 2023 Organizational Report

Overall Key Achievements

Human Rights Education

In 2023, Equality Myanmar (EQMM) has an effectiveness of project activity implementation and intervention. It was a large-scale human rights activity and movement through the participation of human rights defenders, women human rights defenders, LGBTQIA rights defenders, FORB rights defenders, CSO and community members, and duty bearers. The activities had fortified the rights of minorities and affected people in Myanmar while promoting the obligation of human rights norms, international standards, and protection of civilians in armed conflicts. EQMM trained human rights defenders, CSO, duty bearers, and community members, and 84% of these participants gained increased knowledge and concepts as well as skills in human rights education to address human rights violations in their community. All the trained participants are contributing positive development as they are promoting human rights awareness in their communities. Most participants are documenting human rights violation cases and sending to EQMM for accountability mechanism.

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