United Act Theater Group conducts an evaluation of previous plays

United ACT, a youth theater group based in Mae Sod, Thailand, has begun conducting an evaluation of the plays it performed in Mae Sod’s migrant schools from 2009 to 2011. The group’s plays deliver anti-child trafficking and anti-child soldiers messages.

During the evaluation, former audience members have provided opinions and suggestions for storylines, songs, costumes and general themes. Ko Ye Lin Aung, the group’s leader, said they initiated the evaluation in order to improve their performances in the upcoming years.

United ACT group members developed and distributed the questionnaires. They divided into four teams to collect responses from students from C.D.C boarding houses, Has Thulei School, Kaung Kin Pyar School, Irrawaddy Garden School, Aryone Oo School and Min Mahaw School. After gathering the data, group members will discuss how to make changes bases on the input they receive.