Human Rights Council for the second cycle mid-term report by the human rights activists in Myanmar.

11 recommendations will be submitted to the Human Rights Council for the second cycle mid-term report by the human rights activists in Myanmar.

The recommendations will be included in the second cycle mid-term to be released in June this year.

The recommendations include the freedom of expression, international cooperation, violence against women during the armed conflict, peace process, child rights, access to justice, sexual orientation and gender identity issues, and so on.

Executive Director, Equality Myanmar, Aung Myo Min said “ …we going to submit this report to the human right council and all the members states so that member states of the United Nations know that what is going on, what government has done so far, and what the recommendation they like to make in their relation with the our government.”

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) has been carried out in every four years, and the government has agreed to implement a number of recommendations from the UPR.

Out of 281 recommendations reviewed by the UPR Working Group during the second cycle, Myanmar has accepted 166 and noted 115 recommendations to be implemented.

The human rights activists welcomed some of the positive steps made by the government. They also pointed out the government to rectify more international conventions.

Lead Researcher, Midterm report for UPR, Cherry Zahau said “Like, for instant the international covenants on economic social rights and already ratified and signed in 2017. And, they still need to ratify treaties like an international covenant on civil and political rights, and convention against torture, and so many other conventions they still need to sign, ratify and implement.”

The UPR process of Myanmar is implementing the receipt of report, working group review and plenary meeting and third cycle will be done in 2020.

Myanmar International TV